Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Building so the place beribadahnya mislimin and Muslim people Padmanaba stands to the west of the midfield. Post PHC ama Deket kantinnya custodian. Not to mention building next to the existing wards.
The building is not too large in size but the facilities are quite adequate. The room is named An Nur mosque is also stratified two kayaks library. At the bottom there is a collection of books novels ama nuanced film also Islamic. And usually regular meetings SKI also diadain here. Usually using that upper room for shoolat. Although its structure is simple, this mosque is also tetep crowded gathering place for kids SKI. Sempet pickets for keeping the mosque to clean tetep little choked up, and the results of this mosque sempet dirty without anyone mbersihin. But now there are already scheduled picket the mosque would look rather "mild".

Mosque is also equipped with a special room called BMT (Baitul Mal wa Tammil) situated in the north opposite the entrance to the sports hall. This room is used for all archives nyimpen SKI. Normally this room is always enlivened by the arrival of children who want to fulfill their obligations SKI, pray. But on the other hand, the room was also used to gather the means or a nap, and some even use this room to study for semester test. Subhanallah.

That the building used by the moslem student to pray is located at the west of the center court. Near to the PHC basecamp. This building is not large but the facility is good enough. This mosque is named An Nur. 2 Storey building like the library. In the first floor, there are many novels and collections of Islamic videos. The first floor is usually used for daily meetings of the Student Islamic Committee. The second floor is used for prayer. Althogh the architecture is not special, the member of the Student Islamic Committee is the feel of comfort to do Their activity here.

The mosque is provided by a special room Called BMT (Baitul Mal wa Tammil-House of Money), at the north wing of the mosque building in front of the gym. This room is used for storing the document of the Islamic Student Committee. The mosque is always full Pls the time for prayer is come. In other time, some student is resting here. And some other student use the moshola for studying in the exam period.

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